Tag Archives: blog

The Art of Blogging

The Art of Blogging Blogging is definitely a skill to be admired.  I’ve been doing it since the start of my site about 2 years ago and it’s not easy.  Curating content that I think people want to hear about is a weekly challenge.  But I enjoy writing and want to keep people abreast of...

Instagram: A Look Inside My World

Instagram: A Look Inside My World I’m continuing my 7 Day Feel Good Blogging Challenge and I’m on to Day 6.  Day 6, can you believe it?!  Today’s prompt was to share a bit of myself with my readers and clients.  I’ve decided to do this via Instagram.  And I enjoy this so much I...

Pinterest: Your One Stop Shop

Pinterest: Your One Stop Shop Some photographers LOVE Pinterest.  Some photographers HATE Pinterest.  I happen to fall in the love category.  Pinterest, in my opinion, is a wonderful source of inspiration and ideas for photographers and clients alike.  For those of you unaware of what exactly it is, here’s the rundown:  Pinterest is an online...

Choose Happy

  Today I am 35.  A lot of pressure comes with being 35.  By society’s standards I am nowhere near where I should be at this point in my life.  But am I comfortable with where God has placed me thus far?  You bet.  34 was a year of change and growth for me.  I discovered...

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