Tag Archives: lancaster photographer

Meet My Senior Campaign Model: Ryleigh

  A couple of months ago I embarked on a mission.  A mission to find the perfect senior campaign model.  It may not seem like anything major, but anytime you’re trying out something new for your business it can be a bit scary and daunting.  But because I’m a firm believer in continuously challenging yourself...

Spring Wardrobe Guide – Rock Hill, SC Photographer

Spring Wardrobe Guide Happy Spring everyone!  That’s right, today is officially the first day of a brand new season.  I absolutely adore the holidays (I’ve dubbed myself the Crazy Christmas Lady along with another friend of mine because we love it so much) but spring is officially my favorite season of the year.  There’s just...

Lifestyle Session: Is It For Me?

Lifestyle Session: Is It For Me? Lifestyle sessions…you may or may not have heard of them before.  I’ve discussed it here briefly myself, but I wanted to go into a little more depth as to why I love them and why more of you should too.  First off, what is a lifestyle photography?  According to...

Personal Project: Thanksgiving

  A few months ago I wrote a blog post about doing a personal project around the holidays to spark some creativity in me.  I decided I wanted to work on my lifestyle photography skills so I embarked on this journey over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I spent a few days at my parents house and...

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