Category Archives: Personal

The Queen Photographers Take San Antonio

The Queen Photographers Take San Antonio A few weeks ago I, along with a few other members of The Queen Photographers organization visited San Antonio, TX for our first Imaging USA experience as a group.  Although weather kept most of us from arriving on time once we were finally settled into our Airbnb home we...

Queen Photographers AL Shoot

Queen Photographers AL Shoot Getting a group of photographers (who typically prefer to be behind the lens) together for a photo shoot isn’t the easiest feat in the world, but when presented with the opportunity to shoot with our fellow Area Leaders for the Queen Photographers organization I think we were all a little excited....

One Word: Dauntless

One Word: Dauntless Coming up with my one word for the upcoming year you’d think would be easy.  It’s anything but.  As the year winds down and I look back over the last 12 months and think about how the word I chose just a year ago has played out over my life, the task...

The BOSSup Campaign

The #BOSSup Campaign A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to be a part of something special called #BOSSup, to make a little black girl magic.  My friend, Kristen of Lavish Moments Photography reached out to me regarding a project she was working on that would feature positive images of women of color and...

QPNC Meet Up!

QPNC Meet Up! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that I am a part of an organization known as The Queen Photographers, which is “an organization and true community of women of color photographers.  With chapters active in South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina, the purpose of this group is to...

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