Tag Archives: queen photographers

Podcasts Killed The Radio Star

Podcasts Killed The Radio Star So I may be a little late to the game, but I LOVE podcasts. Like seriously LOVE. I’ve listened to Serial in the past and totally binged on the trial and story of Adnan and Hae Min Lee, but listening to podcasts was never anything that I did on a...

Queen Photographers Headshot Swap | Rock Hill, SC Photography

Queen Photographers Headshot Swap | Rock Hill, SC Photography I always have such a good time with my Rock Hill/Charlotte Queen Photographer members.  Each month we get together in Rock Hill, SC and discuss different photography topics that are pertinent to our industry and the growth and development of our businesses.  And to say that...

Queen Photographers AL Shoot

Queen Photographers AL Shoot Getting a group of photographers (who typically prefer to be behind the lens) together for a photo shoot isn’t the easiest feat in the world, but when presented with the opportunity to shoot with our fellow Area Leaders for the Queen Photographers organization I think we were all a little excited....

The BOSSup Campaign

The #BOSSup Campaign A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to be a part of something special called #BOSSup, to make a little black girl magic.  My friend, Kristen of Lavish Moments Photography reached out to me regarding a project she was working on that would feature positive images of women of color and...

QPNC Meet Up!

QPNC Meet Up! If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you know that I am a part of an organization known as The Queen Photographers, which is “an organization and true community of women of color photographers.  With chapters active in South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina, the purpose of this group is to...

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