Podcasts Killed The Radio Star

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Podcasts Killed The Radio Star

So I may be a little late to the game, but I LOVE podcasts. Like seriously LOVE. I’ve listened to Serial in the past and totally binged on the trial and story of Adnan and Hae Min Lee, but listening to podcasts was never anything that I did on a regular basis. That is until recently. One of my favorite #GirlBosses, Jenna Kutcher recently started a podcast called Goal Digger. I’m a fan of her work and follow her Instagram account as well as receiving her newsletters and participating in her online social media courses. I decided to give her podcast a go and it instantly spoke to me. As a creative entrepreneur I feel like she is speaking directly to me and the topics she discusses are so relatable.

My morning commute to my 9-5 gig is roughly 40 minutes. It’s in my old hometown and while the commute was something to get used to when I first purchased my home in a neighboring town, I kind of enjoy the drive now. I’m not stuck in any back to back traffic and it gives me some time to myself before my day goes into full swing.  My mornings used to be filled with a mix of hip-hop, pop, easy listening and morning talk radio. I’d flip between about 4-5 stations and that’s how most of my mornings would go by, unless I received an unexpected call from a friend or family member that made my drive go by more quickly. But since discovering Jenna’s podcast that’s how I’ve started almost every morning for the last few weeks.  I’d plug my phone into my car and the next 40 minutes would go by with interesting conversation between Jenna and her latest guest, good advice, laughs and heartfelt moments.  I enjoy my ride to work so much more now that I have this to look forward to each day.  I loved the Goal Digger podcast so much that I posted about it on my Facebook page and asking my friends if they had any other inspiring, motivational, business and creative based podcasts that they loved and I received some great feedback so now I’ve added a few more to my morning, and now even my evening, routine.  I’d LOVE to know which podcasts you enjoy so I can check them out and possibly add them to my line up.  Comment below with your faves!


My Podcast List

The Goal Digger Podcast

Creative Empire Podcast

Hashtags and Stilettos

Side Hustle Pro

The Biz Chix Podcast

Being Boss

Girlboss Radio with Sophia Amoruso

Organize 365 Podcast

You Need A Budget

Life According To Her Podcast



It’s been about 7 months since this blog post was written and I wanted to pop in and update my podcast listl.  Over the last few months my needs have changed a bit and I wanted to broaden my range of podcasts.  Before they were all centered around business and while these podcasts are all still relevant and have great information, they don’t all fit in with my current listening needs.  I am still listening to The Goal Digger, Being Boss, Creative Empire and Organize 365, but I’ve added some new ones to mix it up a bit!  So here’s what’s new on my podcast in October 2017:


The Queen Photographers – I’m so excited that an organization I’m a part of has it’s own podcast!  It features women of color photographers discussing their journeys in the creative field.  And you can hear me on on episode 2!

Casefile True Crime – To be fair I haven’t given this one a listen yet, but I’ve heard great things about it and I plan on diving in this week!  It’s all about true crime cases that will possibly scare you and definitely intrigue you.

Binge Mode – I’ve finished this podcast, but plan to keep it on my list for when Game of Thrones returns.  If you’re thinking of starting Game of Thrones this is a great companion piece that breaks each episode down.

Motivated – I love this weekly podcast all about healthy lifestyle motivation.  Episodes air each Monday and it’s a great way to kickstart the week!

Necessary Baggage – I absolutely LOVE listening to these ladies and their guest as they discuss everything you need to know about worldwide travel.

Online Marketing Made Easy – Amy Porterfield is a marketing maven and her podcast gives great information and real world application for any entrepreneur.

The Firing Squad – Pop culture commentary with a dose of realness from 5 guys that I attended college with.  You’ll get a few laughs in while listening to them discuss everything from our current political climate to Kanye’s latest antics.

The Business of Photography – A great resource for any photographer looking to up their game with great interviews and practical information.

Work Your Wealth – Getting our finances straight is a top priority for many people I know and this podcast gives advice that everyone can benefit from.

The Read – Something a little fun, albeit a bit risque, that deals with everything that’s going on in today’s world.





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