Before I Do Bridal Showcase

bridal showcase

Before I Do Bridal Showcase

I officially have my first bridal showcase under my belt!  Boy is that a nice sentence to be able to say.  For the last few months, since signing up for the Before I Do Bridal Showcase hosted by Best Day Ever, I was busy mentally prepping, purchasing show items and table decor as well as keeping up with my day to day photography routine.  I was a bit nervous, just wanting to make sure my booth was up to par since I’d never attended a show before, but thankfully the world wide web has a plethora of information that helped to make my booth a success!

Along with the help of my sister, Olivia, who volunteered a few weeks in advance to come along as my assistant and helped me setup as well as manned my booth for me whenever I stepped away, the day was a hit!  My best friend, Kanitra, stopped by to surprise me as well as lend her support (as well as assisting my sister and I as we tore down the booth at the end of the day) and it means the world to me to have such a wonderful support system!

Throughout the day I met wonderful brides as well as vendors in the area.  It was great getting to know so many people and being able to showcase my work and love of photography.  I was happy to share my obsession with macarons with those that stopped by my booth thinking they were display only items because they were almost too pretty to eat!  I’m happy to say that my first show was a success and if I decide to try my hand at another bridal show I will definitely go into it with warm feelings


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bridal showcase


bridal showcase

bridal showcase


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bridal showcase


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