Category Archives: Family Sessions

The Valverde Family | Newborn Lifestyle Session

The Valverde Family | Lifestyle Session   In-home lifestyle sessions are definitely something I wish I could do more often.  It’s perfect for families that want to be relaxed in the comfort of their own home and still come out with beautiful, authentic images.  Brittany reached out to me regarding a maternity session for her...

The Emanuel Family | Uptown Charlotte, NC Family Session

The Emanuel Family | Uptown Charlotte, NC Family Session   I’m always honored when a fellow photographer selects me to capture their precious family moments on camera. There’s obviously pressure there because you want to live up to their standards and since they do this for living they know what good photography is, but it’s...

The McCray Family | Glencairn Garden Family Session

  The McCray Family | Glencairn Garden Family Session   I met and worked with the McCray family early on a Sunday morning over the summer.  It was an unusually pleasant day for the Carolinas.  When you’re used to 80% humidity and 90 degree temps on any given summer morning you thank your lucky stars...

The Paul Family | Glencairn Garden Session

The Paul Family | Glencairn Garden Session It’s always nice when working with friends for their family photo session.  It’s even nicer when they’ve got something to celebrate!  I’ve known Tracie for a few years now.  We both are members of the same book club so we get together monthly to discuss our favorite reads...

The Gatson Family | Columbia, SC

  The Gatson Family | Columbia, SC A couple of weekends ago, as I was wrapping up the last of my sessions for 2016, I had the opportunity to meet and work with the Gatson family.  Mom Judi, reached out to me after a referral from another client and in the span of a week...

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