Category Archives: Blog

Christmas Mini Sessions

  Christmas Mini Sessions Are Here!   I am super excited to announce my first ever studio Christmas Mini Sessions this year!  It’s not secret that I love all things Christmas so it’s only natural that I share this love with my clients.  Christmas Minis are great for families, couples (this is the only time...

Changes Coming To DBP In 2021

  Changes Coming To DBP In 2021   Change is inevitable.  I’ve kept things relatively the same for a while now so it was time to switch things up!  Check out the IGTV video below to see what’s new for DBP in 2021.  Have questions about anything in the video or my services?  I’d love...

DBP Officially Has A Studio Space!

Denise Benson Photography Studio Space from Denise Benson on Vimeo. Sometimes the very thing you said you never wanted is exactly what you need… If you would’ve told me 9 years ago when I began my photography career that I’d be in the space that I’m in right now (both mentally + physically) I never...

The $100 Headshot Event Is Back!

  $100 Headshot Event   Are you an entrepreneur looking to update your branding visuals?  Just need a few updated images for your LinkedIn profile?  Then this is the event for you!  I am passionate about the success of others and their business endeavors so I’m dedicating the entire month of January, to nothing but...

Pantry Organization Project

  Pantry Organization Project As stated in my prior blog post I was able to do lots of home improvement projects during quarantine, one of which is reorganizing my pantry. This is a project I’ve wanted to work on for a while now, but never seemed to get around to.  Two bloggers that I follow...

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