Category Archives: Blog

Choose Happy

  Today I am 35.  A lot of pressure comes with being 35.  By society’s standards I am nowhere near where I should be at this point in my life.  But am I comfortable with where God has placed me thus far?  You bet.  34 was a year of change and growth for me.  I discovered...

Personal Project: Thanksgiving

  A few months ago I wrote a blog post about doing a personal project around the holidays to spark some creativity in me.  I decided I wanted to work on my lifestyle photography skills so I embarked on this journey over the Thanksgiving holiday.  I spent a few days at my parents house and...

Prints vs Digital Files

Prints vs Digital Files What’s the real difference? This has been a hot debate among photographers over the last few years and I wanted to break down the pros and cons of purchasing digital files vs prints from my perspective.  Let me preface this by saying that I do give my clients digital files along with a print...

Me Time…Is There Such A Thing?

I’m sure you’ve asked yourself that question before?  You’re burned out from everyday things like your 9-5, keeping your house in order, making time for family and friends, and if you’re like me squeezing in your part time job as well.  It can all become a bit overwhelming.  So what do you do?  Well, if...

The Little Family Session

Yesterday morning I got the chance to work with two of the most adorable little girls! Not only are they extremely photogenic, but they were such a pleasure to work with. Normally working with small children a full hour long session doesn’t happen, but both Emerson and Lola were extremely cooperative and allowed me to...

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