Category Archives: Personal

Find Your Passion | Guest Blog Series

Find Your Passion Being passionate about what you do is so important for every aspect of your life.  As we get older we tend to lose our passion as the day to day tasks of life take their toll on us.  Mundane and routine take over and passion somehow falls by the wayside.  I am...

The DBP Stock Gallery

  The DBP Stock Gallery   If you haven’t been following my social media accounts in the last week or you don’t subscribe to my monthly newsletter then you may not have heard the news.  I’m excited to announce a new venture for Denise Benson Photography.  Last week I opened my own stock photography gallery!...

QP Workshop 2017

QP Workshop 2017 A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of attending the Queen Photographers Workshop.  This was the second annual workshop for The Queen Photographers and while last year’s event was awesome, these ladies really outdid themselves for 2017.  The two day workshop took place in picturesque Asheville, NC and was filled with...

The Queen’s Cup Steeplechase 2017

The Queen’s Cup Steeplechase 2017 The Queen’s Cup Steeplechase event is always something I look forward to.  2017 was my second year attending and it definitely lived up to the hype of 2016.  If you recall my post from last year’s event we went over the top on all things pink, girly + frilly.  It...

Meet The Artist | Denise Benson Photography

Meet The Artist | Denise Benson Photography So I have this little corner of the web that I use to share my work and the occasional bits and pieces of my life with my audience.  For those of you that have been here since the beginning you probably feel like you know me fairly well...

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