Kennedy’s Sweet 16 | Glencairn Garden Session
Two life celebration blog posts in a row?! Yep, you’re right! Last week we celebrated with Caylen as she brought in 21 and today I’m helping Kennedy celebrate the milestone of being 16! I’m celebrating lots of life over here at DBP and I couldn’t be more excited about it! A sweet sixteen birthday symbolizes a girls transition into womanhood and I could definitely see it with Kennedy. I had the pleasure of working with her and her brother years ago when I was still fairly new to this photography thing and seeing her again for the first time since then was such a shock! She’d matured into such a beautiful, smart and articulate young lady. It was truly my pleasure being able to capture such an important moment in her life.
Kennedy’s session took place at Glencairn Garden in Rock Hill, SC and it was the location of her first session with me which made it that much more special. Part of what I love about this photography journey is that I get to grow alongside my clients as they expand their families, enter into new business ventures or literally watch them grow as I did with Kennedy. It’s a unique position to be in that most other professions can’t relate to and something that I definitely do not take for granted.
I am excited to see where Kennedy’s life takes her and I can already tell that she’s a determined young woman so whatever she puts her mind to she will achieve it. I look forward to watching her thrive even more in the coming years! And if you are a teen (or the parent of one) and looking for a special way to commemorate the next chapter in your life I would love to discuss a life celebration session with you! Email me today so we can begin planning for your birthday!!