Meet Jailyn: DBP 2016 Senior Rep!

rock hill sc photography

Meet Jailyn: DBP 2016 Senior Rep

This upcoming school year will be the second for the DBP Senior Rep program.  When I begin my search I look for rising high school seniors that are enthusiastic, outgoing, full of life and energy and that want to make their last year count.  After receiving several entries from interested parents and students I narrowed my finalists down to two wonderful candidates, the first being Jailyn.

She attends Hopewell High School located in Huntersville, NC and felt like she would be a great representation of DBP due to her outgoing personality, her balance of social and family life and her involvement in extracurricular activities which includes working with special needs children.

She describes herself as someone who is motivated by a challenge and our session definitely made her prove that!  I know most teens love to get their sleep on the weekends, especially during summer break, but Jailyn started her day at roughly 5 am where she along with her mother, Ingrid, made the drive to Rock Hill, SC for her MUA appointment with the talented Melissa Wilmore.  We then ventured to the gorgeous sunflower field to begin her session.  Although it was only 8 am the sun was shining brightly and with no trees to hide behind for shade we just endured the heat.  Thankfully a slight breeze along with a stray cloud would give us refuge from the heat if only for a few brief moments.  Hundreds, if not thousands, of bees were buzzing throughout the field, but Jailyn didn’t let that stop her.  She did whatever was asked of her with a smile on her face.


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We moved from the sunflower field to the corn field and finally made our way to the windy dirt road where we finished our session.  It was a magical two hours and the smiles on all of our faces at the end of it all made it apparent that the day was a hit!  I know Jailyn will do an amazing job representing DBP for the upcoming school year and I look forward to seeing what she does in the future.  The sky is the limit for this vivacious young lady!  Stay tuned to see who my second 2017 Senior Rep is going to be…
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rock hill sc photography
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