My Photography Wish List 2015

My Photography Wish List 2015

Last year I posted my Christmas in July wish list and I had so much fun doing it I decided to make it an annual blog post.  I’m also a big believer in putting things out into the universe by speaking (and writing) them into existence.  Out of the 10 things I posted on my wish list for 2014, 7 of those came to pass!  I’d say a 70% success rate is pretty good.  So the odds are definitely in my favor by posting this year’s list.  I’ve added a couple of items from last year that did not come to pass in hopes that between now and 2016 I’ll have them.  Also, if you have a photographer in your life that you are looking to gift, one of these might be just what they’re looking for!

1. Vintage Camera Tote ($19): I carry around my props in a simple tote right now, but I would love to have one that is photography themed!  This one is eye-catching, not too large and perfect for the fashionable photographer.

2. Colorvale Client Workflow + Session Organizer ($25.99): It’s no secret that I’m a HUGE Colorvale fan.  Their photographer’s planner is pretty much my second Bible.  It’s with me daily and helps me to organize almost every part of my life.  This session organizer would be the perfect companion to my planner.  I need all the help I can get with keeping my sessions organized and together and I think this would do the trick.

3. Lensbaby Spark ($89): Lensbaby carries the most unique variety of lenses.  Every once in a while you have to break up the monotony and have fun with your photography.  Try something out of the box and the Spark is an inexpensive way to do that.  Although I wouldn’t use this for my professional work, it would be fun to have for personal projects and experimentation.

4. WPPI Conference 2016 (Prices Vary): I would love to attend next year’s WPPI (Wedding + Portrait Photographer) conference.  Meeting and networking with other people in the industry is always a lot of fun and to do it in such an amazing place like Vegas is the cherry on an already sweet cake!

5. Fotostrap Avocado Camera Strap ($85): I asked for this last year and still REALLY want it, lol.  With my initials on it and all.  I purchased a fun, chevron print strap last year that’s currently adorning my first camera, but now that I’ve purchased my Nikon D7100 I need a strap that’s more personalized to me and my taste.  Let’s hope that during my 2016 wish list this one is already in my possession.

6. Kinsley Chevron Futon ($139): This year I decided to revamp my office/guest bedroom.  I wanted to create a serene and bright environment that I could be happy spending time in to edit.  My journey is almost complete, with the exception of a fabulous futon.  I’ve had my eye on this Kinsley futon for a while now and by the end of this year I will have it in my home!  Stay tuned to my blog because once the office transformation is complete I’ll be sharing it with my readers.

7. Nikon 1 J5 ($496.95): I love to travel.  I love to take photos when traveling.  I hate dragging along my huge DSLR.  By having a compact, advanced camera with interchangeable lenses it will allow me to still take high quality images while on vacation without all of the extra baggage.  This is definitely something at the top of my want list!

8. Nikon 24-70mm 2.8 ($1,289.00+): There has to be an extreme item on every wish list, right?  Well, if so this would be mine.  I’m probably crazy to think I would get my hands on this in the next year, but a girl can dream.  And who knows, maybe one of these babies will land on my door step just because I’ve decided to put this out into the universe.  Like I said, a girl can dream…

9. Nikon 85mm 1.8 ($496.95): As far as lenses go this one is a little more on the affordable side.  I’m currently building up my prime collection and this would be a great addition for portraits.

10. Lightroom 6 ($146.99): I’m currently using Lightroom 4 for all of my editing and I’m due for an upgrade.  I’ve heard wonderful things about LR6 and can’t wait to see and try them out.  LR gets better and better with each upgrade and I’ve been so pleased with it so far that I’m not even thinking about purchasing Photoshop at this point anymore.



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