New Boutique Packaging Is Here!


New Boutique Packaging Is Here!

There have been some changes happening over at DBP for the last few months with the main change being updated, more current packaging.  I knew last year that I eventually wanted to make the switch from delivering client images on CDs to USBs.  But before making the leap I first needed to see what was out there in terms of USB types.  I wanted to find a style that fit with my brand and also reflected who I am as a person.  USB drives are not cheap and therefore this wasn’t something I wanted to enter into lightly.  Sure I could try out a few different USB styles, but that would only confuse my clients.  I’ve come to learn that in this business consistent branding is everything so I take that very seriously.

After attending a workshop with other photographers earlier this year I received some information on a company called Photo Flash Drive.  I had come across their site previously when first beginning my search for the perfect USB, but never went too in depth with it.  Another photographer at the workshop used their USBs and spoke highly of them so I figured I would check them out.  I found a few styles that I liked, but the minute I saw this wine cork USB I fell in love.  It’s no secret that I am a HUGE lover of wine.  One of my favorite things to do is vineyard hopping and trying out new wines so this was perfect for me!  It’s something that’s unique and sets me apart from other photographers and still adds a bit of whimsy to my brand.

I hope you, the client, loves receiving this updated packaging from DBP.  I worked hard to put this all together into a cohesive package that I hope my clients appreciate.  Everything I do is with my client in mind and this is no different.  Be on the lookout for these hitting your mailboxes soon!


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