One Word: LEAP


word of the year

One Word: LEAP


I’m super excited to welcome you into 2018! How fitting that my new site would launch the same day that 2018 officially rings in! And that my first blog post of the year falls on that day as well. At the start of each year I like to talk about my word for the year. It’s a concept I picked up from my church and it helps to set the intention for not only my business, but also my personal life for the year ahead. My word for 2017 was DAUNTLESS. It means to show fearlessness and determination. In 2017 I started my coaching program and the DBP Stock Gallery, both of which required me to step out on faith, put my fears and anxieties to the side and to just go for it! So I knew with 2018 I wanted to continue the trend of fearlessness which brought me to my new word.

LEAP. The official definition means to jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. 2017 was all about me doing things I was afraid to do, 2018 will be about implementing those things and taking them to greater heights. This year I am focusing on bettering the photography, coaching and retail sides of my business. I’ve created these things so now it’s time to make the jump forward to making them the best they can be. Creating is one thing, fine tuning is yet another.

It’s time for me to level up. New images, new website, same great brand and attitude. I’m not re-branding so to speak, but making something good even better. As my business shifts more to branding images and working with other entrepreneurs to help them bring their own brands to life I’m excited to see where this will take me. So what can you expect from me this coming year? I have a few things up my sleeve that I can’t share just yet, but stay tuned to my social media accounts to see what’s happening, but what you can expect is more focus on my branding clients. I am excited to host my first ever $100 Headshot Event this month and I hope to make this an annual part of my business (if you’d like to get in on this deal email me to find out more). And as 2017 brought you wonderful guest bloggers, 2018 will focus on branding blog posts every few months as well as the start of my new newsletter The DBP Brand Experience geared towards photographers.   So if this is you make sure to sign up for my newsletter here.

A new year is a fresh start and I know if we go into it with a positive perspective, regardless of what’s thrown our way we will make the best of it. 2018 has big shoes to fill, but I think it’s up for the challenge! Do you have a word or theme for the year? If so, I’d love to hear all about it. Make sure to leave a comment below!


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