Personal Projects


Personal project.  Yeah, it’s time I got one of those.  As a photographer my job is always interesting.  I’m blessed to work in a field where each photo shoot is unique due to the clients and type of shoots I’m working on.  Yes, I may have three family shoots in a row, but I can guarantee that each one will be different and special in it’s own way.  But at a certain point you get burned out.  And it’s not that the shoots aren’t fun and challenging, but sometimes you just want to do something…new.  I’ve heard many a photographer say that personal projects are the way to keep the spark and love of photography going.  I’m finally realizing what they mean.  I recently took a class with Creative Live titled Modern Storytelling with Kirsten Lewis.  She explained her style of documentary family photography and I fell absolutely in love with this style of photography and her images.  I’ve done one lifestyle shoot which is pretty much the same thing and I loved doing it.  The photos received a lot of praise, but I didn’t have clients clamoring to have a lifestyle shoot of their own.  So I’ve decided this will be my personal project.  And who better to do it with than my own loved ones?  I’m sure I’ll annoy those around me with a camera constantly being in their faces, but I’m hoping the images I produce will evoke wonderful emotions from them.  And with their permission I hope to share some those images with you all.  Stay tuned…


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