Photographing Your Products In A Branding Photoshoot

photographing products


Photographing Your Products In A Branding Photoshoot


Photographing products during a branding photoshoot is a crucial aspect to showcase your brand’s message and identity. It’s essential to ensure the products are photographed in a way that highlights their unique qualities and features. Here are some tips to make sure your products are shot perfectly during a branding photoshoot.

Firstly, it’s important to understand the purpose of your photoshoot and the message that you want to convey through your products. This will help you decide on the style and tone of the photos, which should align with your brand’s identity. Once you have a clear understanding, you can proceed to create a shot list that includes all the products you want to display and the angles and lighting required.  It’s important to convey this to your photographer in advance of the session so they’re clear on your vision.

Secondly, make sure the products are clean and shiny, as they need to look their best on camera. Ensure that the products are styled in a way that complements the overall aesthetic of the photoshoot.  You can do this by providing your photographer additional props to use in the styling of the product (for candles, think snuffer, ingredients that make up the scent, etc).  If you’re not available during the shoot day, make sure your hired photographer has the right tools on hand to create the images you envision.

Photographing products during a branding photoshoot is a vital aspect of showcasing your brand’s identity. Make sure you understand the purpose of your photoshoot, create a shot list, and take the time to clean and style your products correctly. Lastly, makes sure to give yourself enough time to capture these images.  A quick 30 minute session will likely not be enough time to capture the branding session itself as well as your products so make sure to allot plenty of time for each of those aspects so you’re not rushed during your session.


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