Tag Archives: photographer

Why I Chose Entrepreneurship…

Why I Chose Entrepreneurship Working for yourself can seem like a dream job.  No set hours, taking off whenever you want to, not having to answer to anyone.  All definite perks of the job.  But what a lot of people don’t realize is that the success (or failure for that matter) of your business is...

Me Time…Is There Such A Thing?

I’m sure you’ve asked yourself that question before?  You’re burned out from everyday things like your 9-5, keeping your house in order, making time for family and friends, and if you’re like me squeezing in your part time job as well.  It can all become a bit overwhelming.  So what do you do?  Well, if...

Personal Projects

  Personal project.  Yeah, it’s time I got one of those.  As a photographer my job is always interesting.  I’m blessed to work in a field where each photo shoot is unique due to the clients and type of shoots I’m working on.  Yes, I may have three family shoots in a row, but I...

My Story…

  I’ve been asked several times how I got started in photography.  And I always tell people that I kind of fell into it.  I have a brief bio up here on my site, but I’ll go into a bit more detail for those of you interested in hearing my story. So, did I always...

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