Talathia + Jessica | Prom 2016

prom 2016

Talathia + Jessica | Prom 2016 | Glencairn Garden

Prom in Rock Hill, SC can be a little crazy.  Prom at Glencairn Garden can be a lot of crazy!  A couple of years ago I did my first ever prom sessions and thankfully they all took place at Glencairn Garden which made it easy for me and my clients.  I recall the park being swarmed roughly around 5 – 6 pm with teenagers , parents and photographers, but I don’t think 2014 had anything on prom 2016!

I’ve had the pleasure of working with Talathia previously on a family session, and have known his mom Yulonda for a few years now.  Their family has become almost like my family so when Yulonda indicated that she wanted photos of Talathia for prom I was eager to get back into the prom scene and capture this special time in their lives.  Little did I know the chaos that awaited us…

prom 2016
prom 2016

We managed to make things work, even with hundreds upon hundreds of other prom goers milling about.  It was difficult to find an area of the park that wasn’t occupied by someone else, but somehow we managed to make it work.  Talathia, the ever ready model, was dapper in his gray tux and his date, Jessica glowed in a gorgeous, fitted peach gown.

They both seemed very excited to be attending prom.  Running into classmates during our session I could see the excitement in their eyes, ready to see what the evening had in store.  We finished their session as their car (a sleek Cadillac) and driver pulled up and was ready to whisk them away for an evening full of dancing, camraderie and a wonderful time.  I hope their first prom experience was one to remember and that they look forward to making it even more of a success for their senior year!

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