3 Branding Tips To Help You Stand Out

branding tips to help you stand out

3 Branding Tips To Help You Stand Out

My second blogger for my Guest Blogging Series is Bianca Crawford of The Crawford Austin Agency.  She has become a great client and friend over the last year and we have so much fun with each branding session we do. Bianca is the owner of The Crawford Austin Agency which is a PR firm that specializes in “branding, digital media, production, event planning, written communications, speakers bureau and business services.”  When looking for guest bloggers I knew I had to have Bianca write about branding since she’s an expert in this field and with so many people becoming entrepreneurs having the correct branding is essential for a successful business.


crawford austin agency


At least once a week I get asked by potential clients how to differentiate their brand from the others that are out there? They all want to know how to create a voice for their brand, especially when there are mixed messages coming from so many different platforms? Digital advertisements, social media campaigns and billboards are shaping the way consumers think about a brand. You can’t miss them. Brands are everywhere. I always tell potential clients that for customers to understand your brand, you must first understand why you began in the first place. I tell them to think and meditate on these three points:

1. You must understand what your internal beliefs are. Once you know why they are, you have to make sure these beliefs are reflected in how you communicate to you target audience.

2. You must understand who your potential customers are and why they should utilize your skills and talents.

3. You have to understand what separates you from your competition. This is important in creating brand value among your audience.

Your brand voice is what motivates you to make a difference in the world. It also sets you apart from every other brand that exists. Customers need something to believe in. Why can’t it be you?


You can find Bianca on Facebook + Instagram!


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