30 Days of Thanks

30 days of thanks

30 Days of Thanks

This time of year is always great for reflecting on the things that mean the most to us.  We tend to get bogged down with everything on our to-do lists and obligations that we forget about the simple pleasures in life that mean the most to us.  I haven’t done a photo challenge in a very long time, but decided to take part in 30 Days of Thanks.  You can view all of the photos on my Facebook page, but here is a run-down of what I’m thankful for this November:

Day 1. I’m thankful for rest.

Day 2. I’m thankful for at least one winning team this season.

Day 3. I’m thankful for my sisterhood.

Day 4. I’m thankful for new camera gear.

Day 5. I’m thankful for inspirational reading material.

Day 6. I’m thankful for paper packages tied up with string.

Day 7. I’m thankful for a fulfilling church.

Day 8. I’m thankful for an able body.

Day 9. I’m thankful for embracing change.

Day 10. I’m thankful for my eGroup.

Day 11. I’m thankful for our veterans.

Day 12. I’m thankful for new traditions.

Day 13. I’m thankful for quality family time.

Day 14. I’m thankful for beautiful scenery.

Day 15. I’m thankful for my bug (aka my niece).

Day 16. I’m thankful for my mother’s Christmas cookies.

Day 17. I’m thankful for small businesses.

Day 18. I’m thankful that for the holiday season.

Day 19. I’m thankful for storms.

Day 20. I’m thankful for wonderful childhood memories.

Day 21. I’m thankful for a passionate part time job.

Day 22. I’m thankful for my fellow photograpHERs.

Day 23. I’m thankful for eggnog.

Day 24. I’m thankful for my brother.

Day 25. I’m thankful for clear roadways + safe travels.

Day 26. I’m thankful for fellowship.

Day 27. I’m thankful for leftover Thanksgiving food.

Day 28. I’m thankful for good, red wine.

Day 29. I’m thankful for the arts.

Day 30. I’m thankful for my job.


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