LaQuandra J. Session – Charlotte, NC Photography

LaQuandra J. – Charlotte, NC Photography

This past weekend I had the pleasure of working with one of my good friends, and book club members, in gorgeous uptown Charlotte, NC.  When LaQuandra reached out to me about possibly doing a solo session to celebrate her upcoming birthday I was all for it!  I’m a strong advocate for treating yourself to things like spa days, a nice meal or a fun celebratory photo session.  She’d never done anything like this and I thought it would be a great experience for her.  And honestly everyone can use some nice, updated profile pictures for your varying social media accounts.

After booking her session we decided on a location (since she lives in Charlotte, NC what better backdrop could there be than the beautiful city!) and time.  December in the south can be hit or miss as far as temperatures go and the last few weeks here have been unseasonably warm, but of course the morning of our session it was bitter, bitter cold!  But we both pushed through and got some wonderful images!  I could already tell during our session that the photos were going to be great.  She had her wardrobe together (vibrant colors always come across great on camera), had her makeup done by a professional her worked her magic and brought along a special prop as a tribute to her grandmother.  I tell my clients all the time that these sessions are all about them so when they incorporate pieces of themselves into the shoot it makes it unique and tailor-made specifically for them which I love.

I hope that in the years to come, and once LaQuandra starts a family of her own, that she’s able to look back on these photos as something wonderful that she did for herself.


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