Category Archives: Personal

One Word: Transition

  One Word: Transition Every year I start things out with a blog post all about my word of the year. It’s something that has come to mean a lot to me not only in my personal life, but also in my professional career. My word for 2018 was Leap. And boy did it ring...

Meet Me In Maui

Meet Me In Maui A couple of months ago I took one of the most amazing vacations of my entire life all thanks to my best friend.  Hawaii has been on my bucket list for years.  And when I say years, I mean YEARS.  And although it’s part of the United States it’s always seemed...

Why Business Besties Are Crucial For YOUR Success

  Why Business Besties Are Crucial For YOUR Success If you’re in business for yourself you know that it can sometimes be a lonely place.  Most entrepreneurs don’t have a team helping them out so we’re what’s known in the industry as solopreneurs.  That’s where industry peers come into play.  Having a person, or people,...

Why I’m Never Going Full-Time With Photography

Why I’m Never Going Full-Time With Photography Never say never. That’s the saying, right? And of course over my life span I could change my mind, but for the space that I’m currently in full-time photography is NOT the goal. In a day and age where everyone wants to be their own boss, to take...

My New Promo Video Is Here!

Let’s pop the bubbly and celebrate!!  I mean today is Christmas, this is the final blog post for 2017 and we’re only a week away from the new year.  I am so excited that is getting a facelift in just one short week!  It’s been so exciting for me to work on my new...

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