Instagram: A Look Inside My World

Instagram: A Look Inside My World

I’m continuing my 7 Day Feel Good Blogging Challenge and I’m on to Day 6.  Day 6, can you believe it?!  Today’s prompt was to share a bit of myself with my readers and clients.  I’ve decided to do this via Instagram.  And I enjoy this so much I may do it monthly or at least quarterly.  I looked back on the month of June and it was an emotional one for sure.  So here are some of the highlights of what I deemed important (or interesting) enough to share with my IG family:

  • I welcomed the month of June.  Some months just deserve their own special entrance.  Since summer officially kicks off in June I felt it necessary that I welcome it with open and loving arms.
  • I shared a blog post all about what it’s like working with me!  I’m sure a lot of people have questions as to what a session is like with a photographer they’re considering so I took the guess work out of it for you and laid it all out.
  • I did a special #tbt (Throw Back Thursday) photo where I shared my experience interning at Essence Magazine in their fashion and beauty department.  This internship was what sparked my love of photography.  Seeing the photographers in action excited me and I’ve been in love with this ever since.
  • My best friend sent out her graduation thank you cards and used images I took from her graduation session.  Not only am I super proud of her for getting her Masters Degree, I love it when clients use their images for something other than their social media profile pictures.  Print those photos out and use them!
  • The best thing that happened to me in June was being featured in Black Southern Belle!  It was my first online feature and I was so happy and excited to be included along with other motivated, successful southern women.
  • I blogged about ways to prepare for your portrait session.  A list your sure to want to read if you’ve got a session coming up!
  • I took an impromptu trip to Myrtle Beach with my mom and niece.  We stayed overnight and enjoyed the sun, sand and waves.  Some wonderful seafood and mini golf and of course outlet shopping was thrown in as well.  Some days you just need to take off from work and have fun!
  • I made it to the front page of Google!  Yes, I’m sure that’s not a big deal for most of you, but when you own your own business and you run your own website this is a HUGE deal.  I worked hard to get to this point and even though I still have work to do, I’m happy that slowly but surely it’s paying off.
  • I binge watched Orange Is The New Black.  Yep, for about 3 days my life was consumed with the women of Litchfield Prison.  Until next year…
  • I got to meet and work with the Moses Family for their portrait session in Rock Hill, SC.  I love meeting new clients and making wonderful memories for them that I hope will last them for many years to come.
  • I spent Father’s Day with my family.  My sister and I joined my dad at the church where he teaches for morning service followed by dinner with the rest of my family at Waldhorn.  We haven’t eaten at this delicious German restaurant in a while, so it was a fun outing that everyone enjoyed.
  • I took a trip with my eGroup (Elevation Women’s Bible Study Group) to Childress Vineyards.  We had an amazing girl’s day out doing a little wine tasting, touring of the vineyard, a wonderful lunch and a mini photo shoot.  Nothing like a girl’s day out to re-energize you.
  • Pray for Charleston.  I can’t put into words, especially in this small blurb, the hurt, sadness and confusion I felt when I heard about the massacre in Charleston.  A city I love visiting.  A city not far from my own.  It’s been a few weeks since it’s happened and I still don’t have the right words for it.  But I will say this, the people of South Carolina rallied.  We came together and we LOVED.  Hate will never prevail.  It may try, but it will fail.  Light will always drive out darkness. Let us remember “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in times of trouble.” Psalm 46:1.



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