Styled Session Spotlight: The Crew

Styled Session Spotlight: The Crew

A styled session is only as good as the people that work with you to help bring your vision to life.  I’m very, very, very thankful that I had a wonderful group of ladies willing to donate their time and talents to this project.  When I first began to put this shoot together I contacted my sister, Olivia and good friend, Zaakira to see if they would be interested in modeling for me.  Neither has any modeling experience but I knew they’d be able to play well off of each other and they’re both striking women that I knew my camera would love.  I’m grateful they wanted to participate and were excited about being a part of all of this.

Sirena, of Aneris Photography, has been such a motivator for me.  She’s an amazingly talented photographer that is willing to go above and beyond for her craft.  I was so happy that she was part of this project and her images are outstanding!  Definitely take the time to check out her website, Facebook and Instagram pages to see her take on this shoot.  I can already see us collaborating on many future projects and look forward to it.

Last but not least thank you to Lonnie for spending the day out in the fields with us to make sure that everything went smoothly!  She was our assistant, helping whichever photographer needed her at the moment, our Periscoper and Instagrammer, taking videos and photos of our behind the scenes action, and our comic relief.

The five of us gelled so well that I felt it was a dream team of amazing women!  None of this would’ve been possible or turned out the way it did had they not participated.  I will be forever thankful for knowing each and every single one of them.


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