Tag Archives: charlotte photographer

Ashley T. | The Hive Community Circle

Ashley T. | The Hive Community Circle If you’ve been around and reading my blog for at least a few weeks then you’re well aware that I love working with brands.  I love meeting new people and hearing all about the businesses they run and working with them to figure out ways that I can...

Caylen B. | NoDa Birthday Session

Caylen B. | NoDa Birthday Session Life celebration sessions (also known as birthday shoots in my world) are a favorite of mine.  Want to know what else is a favorite of mine?  Shooting in NoDa!  It’s the eclectic, artistic and quaint part of uptown Charlotte (officially named North Davidson based on it’s location) and I...

Bianca C. | Charlotte Branding Session

Bianca C. | Charlotte Branding Session I’m sure I say this in every single blog post about Bianca of The Crawford Austin Agency, but we have a ball whenever we get together! We always seem to level up for each session we have together and I have to admit that this one is our best...

Katrina S. Lifestyle Branding Session

Katrina S. Lifestyle Branding Session Dr. Katrina Spigner of Re-Source Solutions and I met at the start of 2017 for her first branding session and since then we’ve had the opportunity to work together two more times. She signed up for my $100 Headshot Sessions in January and more recently for an in-home lifestyle session at...

Robin D. | $100 Headshot Event

Robin D. | $100 Headshot Event One of the best things about creating my $100 Headshot Event was the opportunity to work with existing clients. It’s always fun to catch up with clients to see where life has led them since the last time we worked together. And the fun thing about working with authoress...

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