Tag Archives: charlotte photographer

Branding Client Roundup

Branding Client Roundup Since narrowing down my niche to branding photography I have been so blessed so to work with so many amazing clients!  When I began to close some doors on other photography genres the door to branding clients flew WIDE OPEN!  Working with other entrepreneurs and businessowners truly lights a fire inside of...

Changes Coming To The Blog

  Changes Coming To The Blog   It’s hard to believe that I’ve been showing up on this blog week in and week out for over 5 years now.  For the majority of that time I’ve been present every single week and shared with you all things going on with DBP, my personal life, promotions...

Tia B. | 40th Birthday Session

  Tia B. | 40th Birthday Session   It’s not secret that if you’ve been reading my blog for a while that things are a little backed up over here.  When you only write one blog post per week, but you shoot multiple sessions per week things tend to get backed up.  But that doesn’t...

Freely Nat | Echo Collection Sessions

  Freely Nat | Echo Collection Sessions   Ending my 2019 sessions with Natalie of Freely Nat with two more amazing shoots!  We’ve had a real blast shooting together this year and have come up with some amazing content for her blog.  I was happy to help her wrap up her final two shoots of...

The Holt Family | Rock Hill, SC Session

  The Holt Family | Rock Hill, SC Session   I’ve had the honor and privilege of capturing my friend Zaakira on a few different occasions, but this was my first time having the entire Holt family in tow and we had such a great time!  Family sessions with little ones can always be a...

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