Take The Plunge + The Net Will Appear
This month’s guest blogger is Monique Elmore. She is an entrepreneur, educator and the mother of one of the brightest young men I know. Monique and I met about one year ago when she entered her son for my senior rep program. We immediately hit it off and it felt like I’d known her for years when we finally did meet. Her spirit is full of life and I’m so thankful I’ve had the chance to get to know her better. When she reached out to me for my guest blogger series I was ecstatic to see what what she had up her sleeve and her topic definitely does not disappoint! If you’ve ever wanted to quit or felt like giving up then this is the blog post for you!!
Image Courtesy Ty Funderburk Photography
Have you ever wanted to give up? Forget a do over, I’m done! I get it, we’ve all been there. I can personally attest to you, I’ve allowed life to get the best of me, time and time again. Whether it’s managing the daily hustle and bustle of life, a career where you’re not living up to your absolute God given talent, a relationship that’s not going in the direction you once hoped for. Or whatever the case may be. As time progress we seem to get away from those aspirations. Ask yourself is that what I really want? Can I leave this world in peace, not living up to everything God put in me? The answer for me and you is NO! I’ve made it my personal agenda to live up to my aspirations. No matter what kind of juggling act, I have to subject myself to. “Take the Plunge” has been my mantra for 2017. Translation: Do what makes you happy, and don’t give up. Go after whatever it is. It may seem a bit crazy at first and you may even get the side eye from some people. But who cares. It’s your life girlfriend! I am the poster child of setbacks, I’ve even got involved in a little pity party a time or two. Just when I start to settle into the artificial thinking of, “I’ll just do what’s comfortable”, there’s always that voice that speaks to me and says “I didn’t put you hear just to be mediocre”. With that I challenge you to “Take the Plunge”! What do you have to lose? Now that you’re ready, here are your next steps to having an amazing plunge.
1. The Bible says write the vision make it plain. (Habakkuk 2:2) Whether you write your steps in a journal, or on a sticky note, it doesn’t matter. Put them somewhere as a daily reminder. I also like to put mine in an extra place, my prayer box. That goes without saying. Praying, seeing and speaking daily affirmations is a for sure win!
2. Let’s get to work! Take the plunge and the net will appear. Pray, pray & pray some more. Research your plan. Connect with people that have similar interests. Spend at least two hours each day bringing your ” plunge” into fruition and never end your day without going back to the drawing board. Check off those accomplishments and jot those tweaks down if you’ve made some.
3. Lastly, we can’t escape the age of social media. What I like to refer to as the “Who’s Who Of The Internet”. Don’t get caught up in the hype of who’s doing what. If you feel the need take a break from social media outlets, do so. Sometimes we become hopeless by watching others seemingly taking their “plunge”. I myself have had to unplug a time or two. We must constantly remind ourselves my journey is not someone else’s and theirs is not mine. The major ingredient to being your authentic self is blooming like the flower that you are and not worrying about the rose garden that’s next to you. Surround yourself around people that are positive, who believe in YOU until YOU believe in YOU! I promise it will change your life!