Whimsy, Tea Sets & Etsy…


So I recently decided to do my first stylized photo shoot and have been thinking about all that it would entail.  It’s a daunting process just thinking about everything I’ll need to make my vision come to life, but I have a client that’s willing to be my guinea pig so I figured why not give it a go.  So I began to do my research.  What exactly is a stylized shoot?  For those that may not know the simplest way to put it is a themed shoot where you collaborate with vendors to showcase their work as well as your own.  Some styled shoots are even submitted to different publications to further your audience reach.

The theme I’ve come up with is Whimsical Spring Tea Party.  That title might need some tweaking but that’s what I’m going with for now.  I’ve already gotten some of my props together with the help of Hobby Lobby and Etsy.  They are both current obsessions for me.  I’m hoping some of the vendors on Etsy will want to participate free of charge, but if not I’d still love to showcase their work and then utilize those props for upcoming shoots.  I actually own the cutest vintage tea set which is where this all stemmed from(see the photo above).  And I’m currently reaching out to MUAs in my area.  Not only will this benefit them by having professional photos to showcase on their own sites and me by utilizing their skills for this shoot but then I also have someone to refer clients to for any other upcoming shoots I may have.  It’s a win-win!

This will definitely be a daunting task but I know the payoff will be worth it in the end.  And if it goes off the way I expect it to (rain stay in your lane!) then I already know I’ll be doing more stylized photography in the future.  I’m so excited about all of the possibilities this will provide.  Let the work begin!


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