When To Book A Mini Session Vs. A Full Session

Charlotte branding photographer


Mini Session.  Full Session.  I offer both services and today I want to discuss how they differ so that you can decide which is the right option for you and your business.  Deciding between a mini branding session and a full branding session depends on various factors, including your business needs, budget, and the depth of content you require. Here are some considerations to help you determine when each type of branding session may be more appropriate:

Mini Branding Session

1. Limited Budget:

  • If you’re working with a constrained budget, a mini branding session can be a more cost-effective option. It allows you to get professional images without the higher price tag associated with a full session.

2. Quick Content Refresh:

  • If you need a small batch of fresh content for a specific campaign, seasonal promotion, or social media update, a mini session can provide a quick and efficient solution.

3. Time Constraints:

  • When time is of the essence and you need professional photos in a short amount of time, a mini branding session, usually shorter in duration, can be a convenient choice.

4. Focused Brand Elements:

  • If you have specific elements of your brand that you want to highlight or refresh, such as headshots, product shots, or a particular aspect of your business, a mini session can be tailored to address these specific needs.

Full Branding Session

1. Comprehensive Brand Storytelling:

  • If you have a rich and multifaceted brand story that requires a more extensive visual narrative, a full branding session is ideal. This allows for a deeper exploration of various aspects of your business.

2. Diverse Content Needs:

  • When you require a wide range of content, including team photos, product shots, lifestyle images, and behind-the-scenes captures, a full branding session provides the time and flexibility to cover these diverse needs.

3. Brand Evolution or Launch:

  • If your business is undergoing a significant change, such as a rebranding, launch of a new product line, or expansion into new markets, a full branding session offers the opportunity to comprehensively capture and communicate these changes.

4. Brand Cohesion Across Platforms:

  • For businesses with a presence across various platforms, a full branding session can ensure consistency in visuals across websites, social media, print materials, and other marketing channels.

5. In-Depth Brand Exploration:

  • If you want to go beyond the surface and delve into the nuances of your brand, including the values, culture, and unique aspects that set you apart, a full branding session allows for a more in-depth exploration.

General Tips

  • Evaluate Your Immediate Needs: Consider what you need the photos for and how urgently you require them.
  • Budget Allocation: Allocate a budget that aligns with your branding and marketing priorities.
  • Long-Term vs. Short-Term Goals: Assess whether you’re looking for immediate visual content or planning for a more sustained and comprehensive brand representation.

Ultimately, the choice between a mini and full branding session comes down to your specific circumstances and objectives. Both options can yield impactful results when tailored to meet the unique needs of your business.  While I only offer mini sessions a couple of times each year, full branding sessions happen year round!  To get first dibs on my mini session events please make sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter here or if you’re ready to dive into a full branding experience contact me today!

How To Do Your Hair + Makeup For Your Branding Shoot

Charlotte branding photographer


If you have a branding photoshoot coming up, you’ll want to make sure you look your best. Your hair and makeup are an important part of your overall appearance, so it’s important to prepare in advance. My #1 suggestion is always to hire a professional so that you’re not rushed on shoot day AND so that you can look like your most polished self.  Trained professionals can make you look like an enhanced version of yourself and know what looks work best for a professional photoshoot.  But I know sometimes hiring a professional isn’t feasible so in these instances here are some tips on how to do your hair and makeup for a branding photoshoot:

  1. Start with a clean slate: Make sure your hair and face are clean and moisturized before you begin. Use a gentle cleanser to remove any dirt or oil from your face, and apply a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. For your hair, use a shampoo and conditioner that’s appropriate for your hair type, and consider using a deep conditioning treatment if your hair is dry or damaged.
  2. Choose your makeup wisely: For a branding photoshoot, you’ll want to choose makeup that enhances your natural features without overpowering them. Stick to neutral shades for your eyes and lips, and use a foundation that matches your skin tone. Don’t forget to apply a primer before your foundation to help it stay in place, and use a setting spray to keep your makeup looking fresh throughout the day.
  3. Consider your outfit: Your hair and makeup should complement your outfit, so choose your clothing wisely. If you’re wearing a bold outfit, you may want to keep your hair and makeup more understated, while a simple outfit can be paired with more dramatic hair and makeup.
  4. Practice, practice, practice: Before the day of your photoshoot, practice your hair and makeup to make sure you’re happy with the results. YouTube has some great tutorials and if you begin practicing a few weeks before your session takes place you can easily apply your look on shoot day.  Take a few selfies to see how you look in different lighting, and make any necessary adjustments.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to create a hair and makeup look that’s perfect for your branding photoshoot. Remember to have fun and be confident in front of the camera!

Planning A Pinterest-Worthy Brand Shoot

Charlotte branding photographer


For small businesses aiming to make a mark in the digital world, creating a visual narrative that’s not just Instagrammable but Pinterest-worthy is a strategic move. So, how do you plan a photoshoot that captures attention, resonates with your audience, and earns a coveted spot on Pinterest boards? Let’s dive into the magic of crafting a photoshoot that turns heads.

Before you step in front of the photographer’s lens you want to delve into the essence of your brand. What story do you want to tell? What emotions do you want to evoke? Pinterest is a platform driven by inspiration, so your visual narrative should reflect the heart and soul of your brand.  You’ll also need to understand your audience.  Pinterest is a treasure trove of diverse interests and styles. Understand your target audience and what resonates with them on the platform. What are they pinning? What aesthetics appeal to them? Tailor your photoshoot to align with these preferences, ensuring your content becomes a welcomed addition to their Pinterest boards.

Pinterest lovers are familiar with the power of mood boards, and creating one for your brand shoot is no different. Curate images that inspire you, embody your brand’s spirit, and align with the aesthetics you’re aiming for. This visual reference will not only guide your photoshoot but also ensure a cohesive and harmonious visual language.  One of the most important elements is your hired photographer.  The person behind the lens is pivotal in translating your vision into reality. Make sure to look for a photographer whose style aligns with your brand aesthetic. Share your mood board and discuss your goals, ensuring they understand the nuances of Pinterest-worthy visuals.

Pinterest is filled with dreamy landscapes and charming settings. Whether it’s an urban backdrop, a cozy coffee shop, or a picturesque outdoor location, choose settings that resonate with your brand story. The right location can elevate your visuals and make them more shareable.  And yes, your own style matters as well.  From wardrobe choices to props and set design, meticulous styling plays a crucial role in creating visuals that Pinterest users will want to pin. Pay attention to color schemes, textures, and overall composition. A thoughtful approach to styling ensures that your images are not just aesthetically pleasing but also shareable.

Pinterest users are typically drawn to bright, airy visuals. Whenever possible, opt for natural light to create a soft, inviting ambiance. Plan your shoot in a location that has a lot of natural lighting that Pinterest users adore.  Next up is making sure to have a wide variety of shots.  Pinterest boards often feature a mix of images, from product shots to lifestyle snaps. Ensure your photoshoot covers a variety of perspectives, showcasing different facets of your brand. This diversity not only keeps your content interesting but also caters to a broader audience.

In the world of Pinterest, where every pin is a potential discovery, planning a brand photoshoot that’s truly Pinterest-worthy involves a careful blend of storytelling, aesthetics, and strategic choices. It’s not just about creating beautiful images; it’s about crafting a visual journey that users want to embark on and share with their followers. So, as you plan your next brand shoot, let the magic of Pinterest inspire you to create visuals that not only capture attention but also leave a lasting impression in the hearts of your audience.

Optimizing Your Brand Images For Your Website + Social Media Channels

Charlotte branding photographer


Optimizing your brand images for your website and social media channels is an important aspect of creating a strong online presence. High-quality images can help attract more visitors to your website and social media profiles, and can also help to convey your brand’s personality and message. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips for optimizing your brand images for your website and social media channels.

  • Use high-quality images

One of the most important things to remember when optimizing your brand images is to use high-quality images. High-quality images can help to convey a professional image and can make your brand look more appealing to potential customers. When selecting images for your website and social media channels, be sure to choose images that are clear, crisp, and visually appealing.

  • Optimize image size and format

Another important factor to consider when optimizing your brand images is the size and format of the images. Large images can slow down your website and make it difficult for users to navigate, while small images may not be visually appealing. It’s important to find a balance between image size and quality. In addition, you should also consider the format of your images. JPEG and PNG formats are the most commonly used formats for images on the web.

  • Use descriptive file names and alt tags

When uploading images to your website and social media channels, it’s important to use descriptive file names and alt tags. Descriptive file names can help improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO), while alt tags can help improve accessibility for users with visual impairments. Be sure to use descriptive, relevant file names and alt tags that accurately describe the content of the image.

  • Consistency is key

Another important factor to consider when optimizing your brand images is consistency. Consistency in the style, quality, and format of your images can help to create a cohesive brand image that is easily recognizable to your audience. When selecting images for your website and social media channels, be sure to choose images that are consistent with your brand’s style and message.

  • Use social media image guidelines

Each social media platform has its own image guidelines that dictate the optimal image size and format for that platform. It’s important to adhere to these guidelines to ensure that your images are displayed properly and look their best. Some social media platforms also have specific image size requirements for ads and promoted posts.

Optimizing your brand images for your website and social media channels is an important aspect of creating a strong online presence. By using high-quality images, optimizing image size and format, using descriptive file names and alt tags, maintaining consistency, and adhering to social media image guidelines, you can create a cohesive brand image that is easily recognizable and appealing to your audience.

How Branding Photography Can Grow Your Small Business

Charlotte branding photographer


Picture-Perfect Growth: How Branding Photography Can Propel Your Small Business


Today, let’s dive into a game-changer that can skyrocket your brand’s presence and impact: branding photography. In a world where visuals speak volumes, investing in a professional photoshoot isn’t just a luxury; it’s a strategic move that can transform the trajectory of your small business.

Capturing Your Unique Story:

Every business has a story, a journey, and a set of values that make it stand out. Branding photography allows you to capture and communicate these elements visually. Whether it’s the passion behind your product, the faces of your dedicated team, or the unique atmosphere of your workspace, these images serve as a window into your brand’s soul. Customers love authenticity, and what better way to showcase it than through stunning visuals?

Creating a Memorable First Impression:

First impressions matter, and in today’s digital age, your online presence is often the first point of contact with potential customers. A well-curated collection of images on your website and social media channels can instantly convey professionalism, credibility, and the personality of your brand. It’s not just about products or services; it’s about the experience you offer.

Building Trust and Connection:

People connect with people, not logos. By featuring real faces from your team and authentic moments from your business, you humanize your brand. This human touch fosters trust and a sense of connection with your audience. When customers can see the faces behind the brand, it establishes a bond that goes beyond transactions.

Consistent Visual Identity:

Branding photography provides the visual elements needed to create a cohesive and consistent brand identity. From your website to your marketing materials, having a library of professional images ensures that every touchpoint reflects the same visual language. Consistency builds brand recognition, making it easier for customers to remember and choose your brand over others.

Social Media Power:

In the age of Instagram and Pinterest, visuals are shared and spread faster than wildfire. Engaging, shareable images can turn your customers into brand ambassadors. A well-executed photoshoot provides a treasure trove of content for your social media channels, helping you stay relevant, engage your audience, and increase your brand’s reach.

Setting Yourself Apart:

In a competitive market, standing out is key. Unique, high-quality visuals set you apart from the crowd. Whether it’s showcasing the craftsmanship of your products or the personality of your team, branding photography helps you communicate what makes your business exceptional.

Adaptability for Marketing Materials:

Branding photos aren’t just for your website; they’re versatile assets that can be used across various marketing materials. From brochures and flyers to email campaigns and advertisements, having a bank of professional images saves time and ensures that your marketing collateral always looks top-notch.

The Investment That Keeps Giving:

While a professional photoshoot may seem like a significant upfront investment, the returns are long-lasting. These images become an invaluable resource that can be repurposed and reused, providing ongoing benefits for your business.

Branding photography isn’t just about pretty pictures; it’s a strategic tool that can propel your small business to new heights. So, ready to tell your brand’s story through captivating visuals? Contact me today and let the world see the unique magic that is your small business!


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