5 Ideas For Your Coaching Business Brand Shoot

Charlotte branding photographer


When it comes to building a successful coaching business, branding is crucial. A strong brand can make all the difference in attracting and retaining clients. One aspect of branding that’s often overlooked is the importance of professional photos. A well-planned photoshoot can showcase your personality, style, and values, while creating a cohesive brand image. Here are five ideas for your coaching business branding photoshoot:

  1. Location, location, location: Consider choosing a location that reflects your brand values. For example, if you’re a career coach, a modern office space or cityscape would be more appropriate than a park setting. Your location should evoke the feelings and emotions you want your brand to convey.
  2. Wardrobe: Your outfit can help communicate your brand style. Are you more laid-back and approachable or polished and professional? Consider your target audience and what they would expect from you. It’s also important to choose clothing that makes you feel confident and comfortable.
  3. Props and accessories: Adding props or accessories can make your photos more interesting and memorable. For example, a life coach might use a notebook and pen to convey their message of personal growth. A business coach could use a laptop or briefcase to depict their expertise in entrepreneurship. Just be sure that your props and accessories align with your brand values.
  4. Incorporate your brand colors: If you have specific brand colors, try to incorporate them into your photoshoot. This can create a cohesive look and make your brand more recognizable. Consider using props or clothing in your brand colors, or even having a backdrop in the same shade.
  5. Action shots: Show off what you do best by incorporating action shots into your photoshoot. For example, if you’re a fitness coach, you could have photos of you doing yoga poses or lifting weights. If you’re a public speaking coach, you could have photos of you presenting to a group. Action shots can help your potential clients visualize what it would be like to work with you.

A branding photoshoot can be a valuable investment for your coaching business. It can help you stand out from your competitors, showcase your expertise, and create a memorable brand image. By considering these five ideas, you can create a photoshoot that accurately reflects your brand and resonates with your target audience.  If you’re a coach looking to take their visuals to the next level then I’d love to hear from you!  Contact me today so we can chat!

How To Write A Shot List For Your Branding Shoot

Charlotte branding photographer


One of the elements that I typically discuss with my branding clients during our strategy calls is the need and purpose of a shot list.  Creating a shot list for your upcoming branding photoshoot is a crucial step in ensuring that you capture the images you need to effectively represent your brand. It can also help the day run more smoothly and helps your hired photographer know the MUST HAVE images you need captured.  Below you’ll find a step-by-step guide to help you create a comprehensive shot list for your next branding session:


Define Your Brand Message and Goals (for yourself):

  • Clarify the key messages and emotions you want your brand photos to convey.
  • Identify the goals of the photoshoot, such as showcasing products, highlighting company culture, or telling a specific story.


List Specific Shots (for yourself + your photographer):

  • Break down the shoot into specific shots. For example:
  • Product shots (if applicable)
  • Team members in action
  • Office or workspace shots
  • Lifestyle shots
  • Candid moments
  • Close-ups/details


Timeline and Schedule (for yourself + your photographer):

  • Organize the shots based on the schedule of the day. Consider the time required for each shot, transitions between locations, and breaks.


Props (for yourself):

  • List any specific props needed for certain shots.


Collaborate with the Photographer:

  • Share the shot list with your photographer and discuss it thoroughly. They can provide valuable input and suggestions.


Plan for Contingencies:

Anticipate potential challenges or changes in weather if shooting outdoors. Have backup plans or alternative shots in mind.


Final Review:

  • Review and refine your shot list with your team and photographer before the shoot to ensure everyone is on the same page.


Remember that the key to a successful branding photoshoot is collaboration and communication. By creating a detailed shot list, you provide a roadmap for everyone involved, ensuring that the final images align with your brand’s identity and objectives.

5 Images You Need For Your Business In 2024

Charlotte branding photographer Trends are constantly changing, but some things remain true including these shots that are a MUST for your business in 2024 and beyond:

1. Hero Image for Your Website:

A captivating hero image on your website’s landing page is crucial. This large, high-quality image should instantly communicate your brand’s essence, values, and offerings. Consider using an image that incorporates your products or services and aligns with your overall brand aesthetic.

2. Authentic Team Photo:

Showcase the human side of your business with an authentic team photo. This image helps build trust and connection with your audience by putting faces to your brand. Capture a candid moment or set up a professional photoshoot to reflect the personality and culture of your team.

3. Product Showcase or Lifestyle Image:

Depending on your business, a high-quality image showcasing your products or services is essential. This can be a detailed product shot or a lifestyle image illustrating how your offerings fit into the lives of your customers. Ensure the image aligns with your brand’s style and messaging.

4. Behind-the-Scenes Snapshot:

People love to see what happens behind the scenes. Share an image that gives a glimpse into your workspace, creative process, or daily operations. This provides transparency and adds a personal touch to your brand, fostering a sense of authenticity.

5. Interactive Social Media Visuals:

Social media remains a powerful platform for brand visibility. Create engaging visuals tailored to each platform—whether it’s an eye-catching Instagram post, a shareable Facebook graphic, or a compelling Threads image. Keep these visuals consistent with your brand identity while adapting to the tone of each platform.

Remember, the key is to maintain consistency in your branding images across various platforms to reinforce brand recognition and convey a cohesive identity. Stay attuned to design trends and your target audience’s preferences to ensure your visuals remain fresh and appealing.

How To Create A Stress-Free Shoot Day

Charlotte branding photographer


Photoshoots are stressful.  I get it.  I’ve done enough of my own branding sessions to know that even though I’m WELL versed in how a branding shoot operates there’s still a level of stress that comes along with it.  And while I may not be able to guarantee you won’t run into any issues on your shoot day or that you’ll be cool as a cucumber I  can give you a few tried and true tips to help the day run much more smoothly:

  • Plan Ahead: Before the day of the photoshoot, make sure you have everything you need organized and ready to go. This includes props, wardrobe options, and any other items you may need for the shoot.
  • Communicate: Make sure you communicate with your photographer and any other individuals involved in the shoot. Discuss your vision and any ideas you may have. This will help ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goal.
  • Get Plenty of Rest: Make sure you get plenty of rest the night before the shoot. Being well-rested will help you feel refreshed and ready to go on the day of the shoot.
  • Stay Hydrated: It’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day, so make sure you bring plenty of water and snacks to keep your energy levels up.
  • Take Breaks: If you have a particularly long shoot day, don’t forget to take breaks throughout the day. This will help you stay focused and avoid burnout.

By following these tips, you can help ensure as stress-free of a photoshoot day as possible all while capturing some amazing shots! If you found these tips useful I’d love for you to let me know!

How To Get Great Brand Photos

Charlotte branding photographer


Unveiling the Secrets: How to Capture Exceptional Brand Photos

In the digital age, where visual storytelling reigns supreme, great brand photos are the key to leaving a lasting impression on your audience. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting your business journey, here are some invaluable tips to ensure your brand photos truly stand out.

1. Define Your Brand Identity:

Before diving into a photoshoot, have a clear understanding of your brand identity. What values and emotions do you want your photos to convey? Define your brand’s personality, color palette, and overall aesthetics to guide the visual narrative.  Also, make sure to consider your target audience and who these photos are meant to reach.

2. Hire a Professional Photographer:

While smartphones boast impressive cameras, investing in a professional photographer can make a world of difference. A skilled branding photographer understands lighting, composition, and how to capture the essence of your brand in a way that aligns with your vision.

3. Plan the Photoshoot:

Careful planning is the foundation of successful brand photos. Discuss your goals with the photographer, choose locations that align with your brand, and create a shot list to ensure no crucial aspects are overlooked during the shoot.

4. Consider Your Audience:

Always keep your target audience in mind. What visuals will resonate with them? Understand the preferences of your demographic and tailor your brand photos to appeal directly to their interests and sensibilities.

5. Focus on Authenticity:

Authenticity is the cornerstone of compelling brand photos. Capture genuine moments, real interactions, and authentic expressions. Avoid overly staged poses and settings, as authenticity fosters a deeper connection with your audience.

6. Showcase Your Products or Services:

If you offer products or services, make them the stars of your photos. Highlight key features, demonstrate functionality, and showcase how your offerings add value. Your brand photos should tell a visual story about what sets your products or services apart.

7. Engage Your Team:

If you have a team, involve them in the photoshoot. Incorporate shots that showcase your company culture, teamwork, and the personalities that drive your brand. Employee engagement adds a personal touch to your brand photos.

Getting great brand photos requires a combination of careful planning, professional expertise, and a commitment to authenticity. By defining your brand identity, hiring a skilled photographer, and keeping your audience in mind, you can create a visual narrative that not only captivates but also authentically represents the heart and soul of your brand.  If you’re ready to take the next steps and book your session then let’s chat!  Contact me today to see how we can bring your vision to reality.


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