Category Archives: Blog

QNA Higher Education Consultants | Team Branding Session

QNA Higher Education Consultants | Branding Session   Branding sessions aren’t just for individuals.  Sure a lot of business owners and entrepreneurs are deemed sole proprietors, but there are plenty of startups that have more than one person running the show and a branding session for them is just as important as it is for...

The McCall Family | Glencairn Garden Session

The McCall Family | Glencairn Garden Session   It’s funny because when I first started shooting I was very limited in my knowledge of locations.  So much so that a LOT of my shoots took place at Glencairn Garden.  It was convenient because I was familiar with the location, it was right around the corner...

Robin H. | Duke Mansion Branding Session

Robin H. | Duke Mansion Branding Session   Robin is a branding client I’ve had the pleasure of working with a few times over the last couple of years.  She’s the author of several books and is currently based in Charlotte, NC.  When I came out with my Echo Collection, a branding package for entrepreneurs,...

Shatavia S. | Realtor Branding Session

  Shatavia S. | Realtor Branding Session   I love every opportunity I get to work with up and coming entrepreneurs and being able to help them build their brand with great visuals that they can use to get started in their career.  I’ve seen so many people get into realty lately and I’m loving...

To Paris, With Love

To Paris, With Love   If you would’ve told me just two years ago that I’d one day travel to the City of Light with a group of photography friends and shoot an amazing session with a gorgeous model and the Eiffel Tower is the backdrop I would’ve told you that you were completely out...

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