Lifestyle Session: Is It For Me?

Lifestyle Session: Is It For Me?

Lifestyle sessions…you may or may not have heard of them before.  I’ve discussed it here briefly myself, but I wanted to go into a little more depth as to why I love them and why more of you should too.  First off, what is a lifestyle photography?  According to Wikipedia it’s defined as a kind of photography which mainly aims to capture portraits/people in real life situations, real life events or milestones in an artistic manner and the art of the everyday.  The primary goal is to tell stories of people’s life or to inspire people in different times.

It’s different from what you’re used to.  I get it.  That can be scary, especially with an investment like photography.  But there is no better way to capture your images and share them for years to come than in a lifestyle session.  Most people aren’t walking around in their Sunday best every single day and stopping to strike a quick pose and a plastered on smile for the camera.  That’s the image you want to portray, but it’s not a real and true reflection of who you are.  Lifestyle sessions capture those moments that show the real you.

One of my favorite types of lifestyle sessions are in your own home.  Most people don’t think their home is up to par for a professional photographer to come in and then to showcase those photos with your family and friends.  But I say what better way to share with the world who you are?  Your home is inviting, safe, comfortable and it’s you.  There’s no better place to show off who you are than in your own sacred space.

This time of year is typically dead for on location photographers.  The skies are bleak, the trees are bare and it’s typically cold.  No one wants to take photos outdoors in those conditions.  That is also why a lot of people flock to studios when they want photos from January-March.  Now, not to put down studios, but if you’ve seen one studio photo you’ve pretty much seen them all.  By looking at some studio portraits you can almost pinpoint where the client went to have the photos taken.  And unless it’s a high end studio with a lot of backdrops, great lighting and props, your session isn’t going to stand out or be special.  My remedy for that?  Turn your home into a studio and have a fun lifestyle session!  It can be themed (family cooking/baking together, a couple playing games, etc) or it can be as simple as showing your photographer what your everyday life is like by spending a couple of hours together in your home and just capturing things as they naturally happen.

I’ve included a few photos from a Christmas lifestyle session I did in 2013 as well as one from this past Thanksgiving with my own family.  This will give you an idea of how beautiful these sessions can really be.  I encourage you to research it online and look at other lifestyle images.  I’m sure you’ll be as impressed by them as I am.  I look forward to booking my next session with you!


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